Digestion In Stomach - Info Dear
Digestion In Stomach
The Stomach:-
It is an elastic muscular bag that store food from a meal for some time, making discontinuous feeding possible. It also partly digests food. It is composed of three main layers an outer layer of connective tissue middle layer of smooth muscles and an inner layer of connective tissue with many gastric glands and two valves that control the movement of the food in the stomach.
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Digestion In Stomach - Info Dear |
Stomach Location:-
The stomach is situated in the Human body just below the diaphragm on the left side of the abdominal cavity.
Digestion Process In Stomach
Cardiac Sphincter:-
At the place where esophagus and stomach are joined each other a valve called cardiac sphincter made up of the special ring of muscles when the digestion of food start in the stomach then this valve prevents the content of the stomach from moving back toward the esophagus, it opens when the peristalsis come towards the stomach.
Heartburn or Pyrosis:-
It is a painful burning sensation in the chest. When the acidic chyme (partly digest food having acidic nature) move backward from the intestine to the stomach and even to the esophagus then the acidic chyme create a burning sensation which is usually known as heart burning. Overeating fatty food, lying down immediately after a meal, consuming too much alcohol, caffeine and smoking are the major causes of heart burning. This is cured by reducing the consumption of alcohol, caffeine and cigarette smoking, by avoiding fatty food after 5 pm and by taking 15 – 20-minute walk after a meal.
Middle Layer of Stomach:-
The middle layer of stomach composed of smooth muscles which are outer longitudinal and inner circular muscles. These muscular layers stomach helps in churning and mixing of food with the stomach secretions. The inner layer of stomach mucosa contains a large amount of tubular gastric glands. These gastric glands further contain the following cells.
- Mucous cells
- Parietal oxyntic cells
- Zymogen cells
Mucous cells:-
The cells secreting mucous in the stomach are called mucous cells. Mucus is a thick secretion that covers the inside of the stomach it prevent the underlying wall of the stomach from being digested.
Parietal or Oxyntic Cells:-
The cells secreting hydrochloric acid in the stomach are called parietal or oxyntic cells. These cells secrete hydrochloride in concentrated form which plays an important role in the maintenance of ph (power of hydrogen ion) of the food during the digestion in the stomach. The concentrated hydrochloride secretion makes the stomach content’s ph at 2 – 3 ph scale. 2 – 3 ph activate the pepsin in the stomach to act to the protein which is present in the food. It also softens the food and kills many microorganisms taken in along with the food.
Pepsin is an enzyme secreted in an inactive form called pepsinogen. Pepsinogen is activated to pepsin in the acidic medium. Pepsin hydrolyzes the protein and converts it into peptones and polypeptides. When the food contains a large amount of protein then this condition stimulates the gastrin hormones secreted by the gastric lining of stomach this hormones travel with the blood and stimulates the more production of gastric juice.
Zymogen cells:-
The mucosa of the stomach contains a special type of cells called zymogen cells. Zymogen cells secrete pepsinogen which is the inactive form of pepsin (protein digesting food)
When the food or partly digest food mixed with the gastric juice form a semi-solid mass in the stomach, then the combination food and the gastric juice is called chyme. Chyme is also defined as the semisolid mass like liquid which is released by the stomach is called chyme.
Pyloric sphincter:-
Pyloric sphincter is a valve situated between the stomach and the small intestine. The pyloric sphincter valve controls the movement of the food between the stomach and the duodenum. Pyloric sphincter prevents the partly digest food to move from the small intestine to back to the stomach.